Thursday, August 25, 2011

DAY 1 - what's going to happen?

- create a google identity and start a blog. Be sure to name the blog like this:
for example: Amy Hiller would name her blog
and the blog address would be
- review in a group of five the criteria you want to use to evaluate the first writing example: Story-in-a-Box. We will start that in the second half tonight.
What needs to be done with Story-in-a-Box?
Step 1: look at the items in the box and make a list and description of what they are
Step 2: Post your inventory list on your blog
Step 3: Start writing a story about these items. Use all items, and do not just "list" them as "sitting on a shelve, I saw 1, 2, 3, 4" etc. Each item needs to contribute to the story and add an important facet.
Step 4: Post your Story. Give it a title.
Step 5: Review at least five stories from classmates and rate them using the criteria we agreed on. Record the totals on the points sheet.

Class schedule and Homework for Sept. 1

Review the entire web-site LEO.
Finish your Story-in-a-box and post it on your blog by Tuesday 5pm.
Read at least five other stories from your class mates. Click their name and access their blog through the central web-page 191f11s25.

Evaluating peer writing

How to best evaluate a piece of writing? Work in groups of three and find five parameters you propose to use when evaluating the Story-in-a-box. The most important parameter gets five points, the next, somewhat less parameter gets four points, and so on.
Here is an example:
1. Great flow and easy to read ______ (MAX 5)
2. Intelligent plot ______ (MAX 4)
3. Logical flow of paragraphs, outline makes sense _____ (MAX3)
4. Play on words, word choice _____ (MAX2)
5. Complete inventory was used _____ (MAX1)
(editable doc on review parameters) --Scoresheet for the entire class.

Post your evaluation criteria. Review five Stories-in-a-box from your peers and rank them using your criteria. "Whose story is best and why?" That will be my question to you. Who wrote the best story in class?
Be prepared to propose a topic for grammar review from LEO. Pick something that you find needed or interesting for you.
Write the Story in a box and post it on your blog.
Review the following dates and see, when class does not meet in MC 207 because I am scheduled for university work in St. Paul negotiating the new faculty contract.

Fall semester 2011 Class dates and known cancellations by date in Ger 102, Ger 450, Ger 110, and Eng 191:

Aug 22, 2011      Monday - first day of fall semester at SCSU
Aug 22-30            Ramadan, Muslim students in night classes are excused at sunset until class ends at 20:20 to break the fast (relevant on Aug 25 only)
Aug 26                    Friday - Contract negotiations - no classes, online/group work instead
Sept 5                      Monday - Labor Day
Sep 13, 14, 15     Thu-Sat Contract negotiations - no classes, Fall break days
Oct 13, 14, 15     Thu-Sat Contract negotiations - no classes, online/group work instead
Nov 10, 11, 12    Thu-Sat Contract negotiations – no class on 11-10
Nov 11                    Friday - Veteran’s Day
Nov 23                    Thanksgiving break begins at 5PM Wednesday- no Ger110 class
Nov 24, 25            Thu-Fri Thanksgiving, no classes meet
Dec 9                        Friday last classes fall semester
Dec 12-16             Finals
Dec 14-17             Wed-Sat Contract negotiations, Finals for Ger 110 and En 191 due online, no meeting
Dec 18                     Commencement - Sunday last day of fall semester 2011 at SCSU
Dec 22                     Deadline for reporting grades
Additional days for negotiations may be called by the parties in fall semester.